urban landscape In coordination with the Aseer Region Municipality

Over the past few decades, Aseer has witnessed rapid urbanization and population growth, which has negatively affected the fabric of its environment and landscape; on the humanization of cities, and the realization of the universal access principle.

A plan has been prepared to improve Aseer’s urban landscape by developing three sectors: The Urban Layout Development Sector, the Urban Heritage Site Rehabilitation Sector, and the Municipal Services Improvement Sector.

The Urban Layout Development Sector includes many initiatives, which focus mainly on retaining the urban character of each region in Aseer, in sync with its heritage diversity along with its geographical and cultural identity.

The plan includes design and development of modular neighborhoods, developing roads that cater to the needs of commuters and are accessible to all with ease. Other aspects include well lit areas and beautified sidewalks.

This sector also has plans to improve the architectural style of various structures while preserving the essence of thse ancient designs. This includes constructing and developing urban roads, mountain paths, and rehabilitating slums, downtowns, and water bodies to beautify the city’s landscape.

The Urban Heritage Site Rehabilitation Sector will take charge of developing the area around forts, castles and heritage sites and make it visually appealing through better lighting. This also includes rehabilitating and developing heritage villages, popular markets, existing municipal as well as resident buildings and facilities.

To improve the urban landscape of Aseer, steps are being taken to improve municipal services by drawing in investments, setting up restaurants, setting up a quick licensing process, and following up on construction and waste management projects.